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Class Directory

Auto-generated class implementation for https://w3id.org/cwl/cwl#Directory

Represents a directory to present to a command line tool.

Directories are represented as objects with class of Directory. Directory objects have a number of properties that provide metadata about the directory.

The location property of a Directory is a URI that uniquely identifies the directory. Implementations must support the file:// URI scheme and may support other schemes such as http://. Alternately to location, implementations must also accept the path property on Directory, which must be a filesystem path available on the same host as the CWL runner (for inputs) or the runtime environment of a command line tool execution (for command line tool outputs).

A Directory object may have a listing field. This is a list of File and Directory objects that are contained in the Directory. For each entry in listing, the basename property defines the name of the File or Subdirectory when staged to disk. If listing is not provided, the implementation must have some way of fetching the Directory listing at runtime based on the location field.

If a Directory does not have location, it is a Directory literal. A Directory literal must provide listing. Directory literals must be created on disk at runtime as needed.

The resources in a Directory literal do not need to have any implied relationship in their location. For example, a Directory listing may contain two files located on different hosts. It is the responsibility of the runtime to ensure that those files are staged to disk appropriately. Secondary files associated with files in listing must also be staged to the same Directory.

When executing a CommandLineTool, Directories must be recursively staged first and have local values of path assigend.

Directory objects in CommandLineTool output must provide either a location URI or a path property in the context of the tool execution runtime (local to the compute node, or within the executing container).

An ExpressionTool may forward file references from input to output by using the same value for location.

Name conflicts (the same basename appearing multiple times in listing or in any entry in secondaryFiles in the listing) is a fatal error.


  • Saveable
    • Directory






Optional basename

basename?: string

The base name of the directory, that is, the name of the file without any leading directory path. The base name must not contain a slash /.

If not provided, the implementation must set this field based on the location field by taking the final path component after parsing location as an IRI. If basename is provided, it is not required to match the value from location.

When this file is made available to a CommandLineTool, it must be named with basename, i.e. the final component of the path field must match basename.



Must be Directory to indicate this object describes a Directory.

Optional extensionFields

extensionFields?: Dictionary<any>

Optional listing

listing?: (File | Directory)[]

List of files or subdirectories contained in this directory. The name of each file or subdirectory is determined by the basename field of each File or Directory object. It is an error if a File shares a basename with any other entry in listing. If two or more Directory object share the same basename, this must be treated as equivalent to a single subdirectory with the listings recursively merged.


loadingOptions: LoadingOptions

Optional location

location?: string

An IRI that identifies the directory resource. This may be a relative reference, in which case it must be resolved using the base IRI of the document. The location may refer to a local or remote resource. If the listing field is not set, the implementation must use the location IRI to retrieve directory listing. If an implementation is unable to retrieve the directory listing stored at a remote resource (due to unsupported protocol, access denied, or other issue) it must signal an error.

If the location field is not provided, the listing field must be provided. The implementation must assign a unique identifier for the location field.

If the path field is provided but the location field is not, an implementation may assign the value of the path field to location, then follow the rules above.

Optional path

path?: string

The local path where the Directory is made available prior to executing a CommandLineTool. This must be set by the implementation. This field must not be used in any other context. The command line tool being executed must be able to to access the directory at path using the POSIX opendir(2) syscall.

If the path contains POSIX shell metacharacters (|,&, ;, <, >, (,), $,`, \, ", ', <space>, <tab>, and <newline>) or characters not allowed for Internationalized Domain Names for Applications then implementations may terminate the process with a permanentFailure.

Static attr

attr: Set<string> = ...



  • save(top?: boolean, baseUrl?: string, relativeUris?: boolean): Dictionary<any>
  • Parameters

    • top: boolean = false
    • baseUrl: string = ''
    • relativeUris: boolean = true

    Returns Dictionary<any>

Static fromDoc

  • fromDoc(__doc: any, baseuri: string, loadingOptions: LoadingOptions, docRoot?: string): Promise<Saveable>
  • Used to construct instances of .


    ValidationException If the document fragment is not a {@link Dictionary} or validation of fields fails.


    • __doc: any

      Document fragment to load this record object from.

    • baseuri: string

      Base URI to generate child document IDs against.

    • loadingOptions: LoadingOptions

      Context for loading URIs and populating objects.

    • Optional docRoot: string

      ID at this position in the document (if available)

    Returns Promise<Saveable>

    An instance of

Generated using TypeDoc