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Interface DirentProperties

Auto-generated interface for https://w3id.org/cwl/cwl#Dirent

Define a file or subdirectory that must be staged to a particular place prior to executing the command line tool. May be the result of executing an expression, such as building a configuration file from a template.

Usually files are staged within the designated output directory. However, under certain circumstances, files may be staged at arbitrary locations, see discussion for entryname.


  • DirentProperties

Implemented by




entry: string

If the value is a string literal or an expression which evaluates to a string, a new text file must be created with the string as the file contents.

If the value is an expression that evaluates to a File or Directory object, or an array of File or Directory objects, this indicates the referenced file or directory should be added to the designated output directory prior to executing the tool.

If the value is an expression that evaluates to null, nothing is added to the designated output directory, the entry has no effect.

If the value is an expression that evaluates to some other array, number, or object not consisting of File or Directory objects, a new file must be created with the value serialized to JSON text as the file contents. The JSON serialization behavior should match the behavior of string interpolation of Parameter references.

Optional entryname

entryname?: string

The "target" name of the file or subdirectory. If entry is a File or Directory, the entryname field overrides the value of basename of the File or Directory object.

  • Required when entry evaluates to file contents only
  • Optional when entry evaluates to a File or Directory object with a basename
  • Invalid when entry evaluates to an array of File or Directory objects.

If entryname is a relative path, it specifies a name within the designated output directory. A relative path starting with ../ or that resolves to location above the designated output directory is an error.

If entryname is an absolute path (starts with a slash /) it is an error unless the following conditions are met:

  • DockerRequirement is present in requirements
  • The program is will run inside a software container where, from the perspective of the program, the root filesystem is not shared with any other user or running program.

In this case, and the above conditions are met, then entryname may specify the absolute path within the container where the file or directory must be placed.

Optional extensionFields

extensionFields?: Dictionary<any>

Optional writable

writable?: boolean

If true, the File or Directory (or array of Files or Directories) declared in entry must be writable by the tool.

Changes to the file or directory must be isolated and not visible by any other CommandLineTool process. This may be implemented by making a copy of the original file or directory.

Disruptive changes to the referenced file or directory must not be allowed unless InplaceUpdateRequirement.inplaceUpdate is true.

Default false (files and directories read-only by default).

A directory marked as writable: true implies that all files and subdirectories are recursively writable as well.

If writable is false, the file may be made available using a bind mount or file system link to avoid unnecessary copying of the input file. Command line tools may receive an error on attempting to rename or delete files or directories that are not explicitly marked as writable.

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