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Class WorkflowStep

Auto-generated class implementation for https://w3id.org/cwl/cwl#WorkflowStep

A workflow step is an executable element of a workflow. It specifies the underlying process implementation (such as CommandLineTool or another Workflow) in the run field and connects the input and output parameters of the underlying process to workflow parameters.


To use scatter/gather, ScatterFeatureRequirement must be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

A "scatter" operation specifies that the associated workflow step or subworkflow should execute separately over a list of input elements. Each job making up a scatter operation is independent and may be executed concurrently.

The scatter field specifies one or more input parameters which will be scattered. An input parameter may be listed more than once. The declared type of each input parameter is implicitly becomes an array of items of the input parameter type. If a parameter is listed more than once, it becomes a nested array. As a result, upstream parameters which are connected to scattered parameters must be arrays.

All output parameter types are also implicitly wrapped in arrays. Each job in the scatter results in an entry in the output array.

If any scattered parameter runtime value is an empty array, all outputs are set to empty arrays and no work is done for the step, according to applicable scattering rules.

If scatter declares more than one input parameter, scatterMethod describes how to decompose the input into a discrete set of jobs.

  • dotproduct specifies that each of the input arrays are aligned and one element taken from each array to construct each job. It is an error if all input arrays are not the same length.

  • nested_crossproduct specifies the Cartesian product of the inputs, producing a job for every combination of the scattered inputs. The output must be nested arrays for each level of scattering, in the order that the input arrays are listed in the scatter field.

  • flat_crossproduct specifies the Cartesian product of the inputs, producing a job for every combination of the scattered inputs. The output arrays must be flattened to a single level, but otherwise listed in the order that the input arrays are listed in the scatter field.

Conditional execution (Optional)

Conditional execution makes execution of a step conditional on an expression. A step that is not executed is "skipped". A skipped step produces null for all output parameters.

The condition is evaluated after scatter, using the input object of each individual scatter job. This means over a set of scatter jobs, some may be executed and some may be skipped. When the results are gathered, skipped steps must be null in the output arrays.

The when field controls conditional execution. This is an expression that must be evaluated with inputs bound to the step input object (or individual scatter job), and returns a boolean value. It is an error if this expression returns a value other than true or false.

Conditionals in CWL are an optional feature and are not required to be implemented by all consumers of CWL documents. An implementation that does not support conditionals must return a fatal error when attempting execute a workflow that uses conditional constructs the implementation does not support.


To specify a nested workflow as part of a workflow step, SubworkflowFeatureRequirement must be specified in the workflow or workflow step requirements.

It is a fatal error if a workflow directly or indirectly invokes itself as a subworkflow (recursive workflows are not allowed).


  • Saveable
    • WorkflowStep






Optional doc

doc?: string | string[]

A documentation string for this object, or an array of strings which should be concatenated.

Optional extensionFields

extensionFields?: Dictionary<any>

Optional hints

hints?: any[]

Declares hints applying to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that may be helpful in executing this workflow step. It is not an error if an implementation cannot satisfy all hints, however the implementation may report a warning.

Optional id

id?: string

The unique identifier for this object.


Defines the input parameters of the workflow step. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used build a user interface for constructing the input object.

Optional label

label?: string

A short, human-readable label of this object.


loadingOptions: LoadingOptions


out: (string | WorkflowStepOutput)[]

Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object.

Optional requirements

Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the workflow engine that must be met in order to execute this workflow step. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option.


Specifies the process to run.

Optional scatter

scatter?: string | string[]

Optional scatterMethod

scatterMethod?: ScatterMethod

Required if scatter is an array of more than one element.

Optional when

when?: string

If defined, only run the step when the expression evaluates to true. If false the step is skipped. A skipped step produces a null on each output.

Static attr

attr: Set<string> = ...



  • save(top?: boolean, baseUrl?: string, relativeUris?: boolean): Dictionary<any>
  • Parameters

    • top: boolean = false
    • baseUrl: string = ''
    • relativeUris: boolean = true

    Returns Dictionary<any>

Static fromDoc

  • fromDoc(__doc: any, baseuri: string, loadingOptions: LoadingOptions, docRoot?: string): Promise<Saveable>
  • Used to construct instances of .


    ValidationException If the document fragment is not a {@link Dictionary} or validation of fields fails.


    • __doc: any

      Document fragment to load this record object from.

    • baseuri: string

      Base URI to generate child document IDs against.

    • loadingOptions: LoadingOptions

      Context for loading URIs and populating objects.

    • Optional docRoot: string

      ID at this position in the document (if available)

    Returns Promise<Saveable>

    An instance of

Generated using TypeDoc