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Interface InitialWorkDirRequirementProperties

Define a list of files and subdirectories that must be staged by the workflow platform prior to executing the command line tool. Normally files are staged within the designated output directory. However, when running inside containers, files may be staged at arbitrary locations, see discussion for Dirent.entryname. Together with DockerRequirement.dockerOutputDirectory this it possible to control the locations of both input and output files when running in containers.


Implemented by



Optional class_


Optional extensionFields

extensionFields?: Dictionary<any>

Optional listing

listing?: string | (undefined | string | Dirent | File | Directory | (File | Directory)[])[]

The list of files or subdirectories that must be staged prior to executing the command line tool.

Return type of each expression must validate as ["null", File, Directory, Dirent, {type: array, items: [File, Directory]}].

Each File or Directory that is returned by an Expression must be added to the designated output directory prior to executing the tool.

Each Dirent record that is listed or returned by an expression specifies a file to be created or staged in the designated output directory prior to executing the tool.

Expressions may return null, in which case they have no effect.

Files or Directories which are listed in the input parameters and appear in the InitialWorkDirRequirement listing must have their path set to their staged location. If the same File or Directory appears more than once in the InitialWorkDirRequirement listing, the implementation must choose exactly one value for path; how this value is chosen is undefined.

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